This profile is intended to provide an overview and information on the cause Welfare Organization Asnaf Raudhatul Jannah (PKARJ) in developing Rumah Amal Raudhatul Jannah to serve as a center of child care of the less fortunate by providing all equipment and the needs of these children for the sake of time they are well ahead in the world or the hereafter.
Orphans, the poor and children who are already eligible to receive zakat and donations, the children who always gets the blessing and protection of God Almighty. "He who loves and defends this they will get a great reward and blessings of Allah Almighty."
On the basis of this concern and the welfare of children who have different backgrounds, they created a home Charity to give space and opportunity for the public or organizations to create charitable and welfare for the orphans and poor families residing in Rumah Amal Raudhatul Jannah. This is because not only orphans who need attention, affection and even apart from education to orphans, children and converts recipients are also eligible for assistance.
Rumah Amal Raudhatul Jannah responsible for helping children of diverse backgrounds in terms of providing shelter, education, religion. This profile is meant to explain how important the support of all parties to the lives of these children is more assured and more regular and even deprivation makes children's contributions to religion, race and country.
- To defend the fate of the less fortunate members of society that they may be able to build
and defend the nation and family
- Raudhatul Jannah hopes that the citizen can donate and help thiss house to have a better future for their children
and give light to the children who are less fortunate and
to ensure children in Raudhatul Jannah residents can obtain a better life for their future
- Want to see more kids in Raudhatul Jannah gained success in their studies
and successfully pursuing higher education centers